Presumption Harassment calls
Phone number details
Country United Kingdom
Region Code 44
National 0800 328 7807
International +44 800 328 7807
Region Unknown
Carrier Unknown

Report Statistics

Harassment calls
2 report

Last 7 Days Activities

Phone number location

Reporter location

2 report untuk “08003287807”

  1. 10
    Harassment calls

    Automated voice said it was Nationwide and wanted me to press a button to get put through to them. I used to work the phone desks at Nationwide. I know for a fact this is NOT something they do and would never do it. So I reported it as a scam and have come here to warn others.

  2. 10
    Harassment calls

    Didn’t trust this number when I answered and heard an automated message saying it would put me through to a Nationwide agent when I know they wouldn’t call me on the phone to talk about my bank.

Submit Number

Very dangerous


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