Presumption Cost trap
Phone number details
Country United Kingdom
Region Code 44
National 07599 695902
International +44 7599 695902
Region United Kingdom
Carrier O2
United Kingdom

Report Statistics

Cost trap
1 report

Last 7 Days Activities

Phone number location

Reporter location

1 report “07599695902”

  1. 10
    Cost trap

    Covid-19 scam! Sends you a text message claiming that you’ve been in contact with someone who recently tested positive for Covid-19, and provides a link to apparently go and order a PCR Test!
    But when you click on the link contained in the text, and begin requesting a PCR Test, it then tells you that you just need to pay 99p to cover the postage if your test!
    This is NOT from the NHS, it’s a phishing scam!

Submit Number

Very dangerous


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